Better Than Human

Caffeine: How Coffee and Tea Changed the World

Jennifer and Amber Season 3 Episode 19

Caffeine is the most consumed stimulant on the planet. In fact, 90% of humans consume caffeine on a daily basis. Most people do not even think about this tiny molecule as they drink their morning coffee, or sip on their afternoon tea, or as their children chug soda at a birthday party. We’ve gone so far as to claim that it’s the sugar affecting the children, not the psychoactive drug they just consumed. And, humans aren’t the only animal addicted to caffeine. Bees prefer nectar with caffeine over nectar without to a detriment to their own health.

So how did we get to the point where most humans need caffeine to make it through their day? Well, the history of caffeine cannot be told without the history of Coffee and Tea, and this is because until 1819, we had not isolated the molecule known as 1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine. 

Tea was discovered before coffee, and shaped nations through its trade. The British East India Company is an example of this, and for Americans, the Boston Tea Party. 

Coffee probably influenced the West first, though, and helped the world switch from beer and wine as the staple drink to coffee. Remember water wasn’t very safe in the past, so beer and wine were often consumed instead of water. When we switched to coffee/tea, we started drinking something that wakes you up instead of slowing you down, which increased human production, both physically and mentally. 

Was the spread of Coffee and Tea, hence caffeine, a good thing for humanity? Well, like all things, it is complicated. What we do know is that caffeine is a drug that you can become addicted to and that does affect your behavior. This molecule changed the known world as humans spread it across the globe. 

Listen now to learn about how caffeine shaped the past, and affects your present.

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